him a long and ardent kiss. At first John wanted to fight, but suddenly he felt himself relax in the arms of his partner and soon kissed him back with a lot of enthusiasm.

After the embrace, John sighed and straightening out his skirts, he let Jim open the door for him. With bright shining eyes, he thanked him for a lovely evening. "Let's do it again soon" said Jim. John merely nodded, and gave him voluntarily a goodnight kiss.

Happily he went to his room. He had won the battle of the sexes. "I am so glad that I am what I am," he thought.

That night he dreamed of being a princess in a golden coach, dressed in a jeweled white dress being carried off over the rainbow, by a handsome rich prince who looked remarkably like Jim.

The next day while serving breakfast, the Ladies could not wait to hear how the evening went. John told them step by step what had happened. Miss Clara was very pleased when she heard that John had danced gracefully with Jim.

"All my ballet lessons were not for naught," he said. As John ended his story he omitted the part about the lovemaking. But Dr. Hepstein was not to be denied. Looking at John with her grey penetrating eyes she asked, "Did he kiss you?" John blushed maidenly and had no alternative but to admit that he had. Dr. Hepstein was also pleased.

Later in the kitchen Miss Mary told him the news. Mrs. Howard had returned from her travels and would be having dinner with them that evening. John blanched. The last thing he wanted was to be reminded of his wife's existence. All kinds of thoughts welled up in him. Did he still love his wife, now that he had become such a complete girl? Did he want her to see him dressed as a servant and offering drinks and food at the table?

John did not realize it then, but later it became clear to him that his teachers were now going to put him through the final test in behavior (femininity, obedience, courtesy as a crown on his transformation.)

John was nervous all day. His teachers were not about to help the situation. Miss Betty had said, "Make sure you look your very best tonight and wear your best uniform, the one that fits so nicely.'

That day was also his session with Dr. Hepstein. She completely understood the conflict raging in John's mind. That was why she asked John's wife for dinner in the first place and Dr. Hepstein wanted to study John's reaction closely. She asked all kinds of mean questions: "Did he want to see his wife again? Would he mind serving her tonight? Would he remember to courtesy properly to her? Did he mind being a servant girl with his wife present?"

John became irritated and confused. He almost started to cry. "I don't know, I don't know," he sobbed as he ran from the room. As the day went on John calmed down a bit. Without under-


standing his deeply confused emotions, he resolved to make the best of it, come what may. It seemed best to act naturally, the way he had felt the last few weeks. Happy and content in his girlish work, and in the realization that he had been trained to do the work well; yes, better than anyone else.

Later in the kitchen, while helping Miss Mary, John finally decided that he would treat his wife as any other visitor to the Hepstein house. He would under no condition take the first step in getting familiar and try to make himself believe that this was a stranger the Hepsteins were entertaining.

Miss Mary saw that John was preoccupied. "Don't fret about it dear. You have passed all your other tests beautifully. Don't worry, good training such as you have had, always shows in the end."

She even offered to help John with his hair, when it came time for John to change in his evening serving uniform. John accepted gratefully, "Thank you, Miss Mary."

John took particular care that afternoon with his dressing and makeup and when Miss Mary was finished with his hair and placed the ribbon on his wavy curls and fastened it with some pins, she said, "I have never seen you look more attractive." John thanked her

John grew to love his new figure. He didn't feel much like a "husband". anymore.